Monday, August 30, 2010

Ask and Ye Shall Receive: The Anti- Bonfire o' Dreams

So I'm taking advantage of some forced downtime to Blog... Im getting my car serviced: (has anybody been to the new Customer Center at Camelback Toyota?? It's practically a spa-resort, someone's buffing my toenails as I type... oh yeah, also has free WiFi- bonus.)

Not that there's been nothing of merit to report... far from it. Ummm- HOW ABOUT THE CHANCE TO SHOWCASE MY STUFF AT FIRST FRIDAYS?!?!? YEAH!!!!! And I literally cannot even believe how I fell into it.

You see at the recent block party (see previous blog entry for pics and info) I met a guy named Patrice who heads up a group called Arizona Urban Arts... Its a very cool group that basically promotes the Arts scene in AZ in any and every way possible. Consider them the "illustrators" of the chapter called "Arts" in the book of "Arizona" if you will. Ok so I'm sure you follow me... Moving on. So I met Patrice... great guy, who also is a fantastic artist himself. And in talking to him I told him about Suite 323 and what I was trying to do.. he ended up friending me on Facebook. And here's the part that re-enforces not being afraid to go after what you want:

I really wanted him to "Like" my page. To help me get my name out there... if nothing else. But he hadn't yet (not like the guy isn't busy... he's got simultaneous projects going on & got his hands in everything all around the Valley) so I went back and forth about it in a very junior high way- fearing rejection and looking so very, very lame. So I saw him online last Friday... And I just went for it. What's the worst he could say? No? (Initiate the cry sequence and a ceremonial bonfire in my backyard in which I burn all my furniture slash dreams to smithereens.)

He said yes. Even better than saying yes, he said "Of course! Anything for you and the community! What else can we do?" Woe.  (BTW- I've been super happy and impressed by how this community really extends itself happily to help other up & comers) I told him "Well that would be great for now... Just to help get my name out there." He then asked me "What are you doing Oct. 1st? We're hosting First Fridays and we'd love to have you. I could get you a booth. We'll have it all set up."


(ahem). Yes Patrice... I, I think I- we could pull that off. I'd love to. (AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'ing inside).

And there it was folks. Just like that.

So.... REJOICE!!! Enter our official "Big Break" (and for those that don't think it's that big of a deal- don't you hail on my parade!!) I am SUPER excited.... and I love that First Fridays in October lands on October 1st- which is also the slated day for our Grand Opening. I'm going to be working mighty hard between now and then to make it TRULY worth your time to come out and see what I've got to show you. Annnnnnd... if nothing else I'm making cupcakes with a frosting to cake ratio of 10:1. With a cherry on top. So there. Come & get it my friends!

So the moral of the story is: He that is asking shall receive. And sometimes in a big, big way. More than you were even hoping for.... So go for it! It never hurts to just ask. And if not- I'll come to your bonfire, and bring cupcakes. =)


  1. That's really cool, Pat is a nice dude!

  2. That is along the lines of how I would feel too! Congrats! That is awesome! WOOHOO! =]
